The new owner of a three-unit residential property at the end of a cul-de-sac in Rampart Village has plans to develop a five-story, 20-unit apartment project, according to plans filed with the city of Los Angeles last month.
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The proposed project is being led by MIDOS Development, a company co-founded by David Hirsch and Joseph Fine, and would replace three small residential structures at 326 – 330 Robinson Street with an approximately 25,100-square-foot, 60-foot-tall residential building holding 16 one-bedroom apartments and four two-bedrooms, plans show. Designs for the development are being led by North Hollywood-based project architect Aaron Brumer & Associates.
“The overall [street-facing] facade creates a level of interest and visual layering by using a combination of architectural elements such as balconies, change in materiality, color and fenestration,” the development team, which includes project representative Pacific Crest Consultants, writes of the project in application filings.
The developer is seeking Tier-1 project incentives under the city’s Transit Oriented Communities Incentive Program, including a 50-percent density bonus and a 10-foot height increase to the planned 60 feet, according to planning documents. Three apartments would be reserved for low-income households in accordance with the TOC program, plans show.
Plans also call for 2,860 square feet of common open space, including 1,860 square feet of rooftop space as well as recreation rooms on each floor.
The project would provide 19 automobile parking spaces and space for 22 bicycles. Vehicular access to the community’s ground-floor parking would be provided near the center of the building along its Robinson Street frontage, plans show.
The three-unit project site was acquired in September by an affiliate of MIDOS for about $1.55 million, according to Los Angeles County property records.
Also involved in the development is Fullerton-based landscape architect Savage Land Design.