Wavy Gravy Cafe Searches for New Home Following Recent Closure

This is the latest from a handful of restaurants in the area looking to relocate
Wavy Gravy Cafe Searches for New Home Following Recent Closure
Photo: Official

Wavy Gravy Cafe, known for its signature poutine dishes, hopes to find a permanent home after losing its lease at 5805 York Blvd in Highland Park.

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Manager Tricia Noble and her husband, Andrew Overtoom, were forced to close the restaurant last month after losing its lease, according to a sign on the front door. It’s unclear exactly when the restaurant will relocate, as the owners are still searching for the right spot for Wavy Gravy Cafe. What Now Los Angeles previously reported that Vegan sushi restaurant Tane Izakaya is moving into the former home of Wavy Gravy. Hopefully, the restaurant will find a new home in Los Angeles soon.

This is the latest from the ever-changing Highland Park. Down the street from the vacant Wavy Gravy Cafe is a new winery called Byron Blatty Wines, specializing in L.A. County grapes. The company was founded in 2014 by Mark Byron Blatty and his wife Jenny and is finally opening its first tasting room. While this is exciting for the new business owners, it points to an overwhelming trend of constant turnaround in the area.

While the owners of Wavy Gravy Cafe are looking for a new home for their beloved concept, it’s good to know they aren’t the only ones having to find a new home. In Highland Park especially, several businesses have come in and out of the neighborhood. For example, Ba, Elsa’s Bakery, El Arco Iris, and Villa Sombrero have all been forced to close or find new homes. Villa Sombrero eventually became Pocha LA, which is also searching for a new home following issues with a lease renewal at its previous spot at 6101 York Blvd. Hopefully, Wavy Gravy Cafe will return soon, and Angelinos will have the same delicious poutine, burgers, and more.

Wavy Gravy Cafe Searches for New Home Following Recent Closure
Photo: Official
Joey Reams

Joey Reams

Born in San Diego, Joey moved to San Francisco to study Music Journalism at San Francisco State University. There, he worked for several publications, including The Culture Trip and RIFF Magazine, and served as the News Editor at Golden Gate Xpress. Joey previously worked as the News Assignment Editor for Pasadena Now. When he’s not working, you can find him exploring new cities, finding delicious food, and having fun at concerts.
Joey Reams

Joey Reams

Born in San Diego, Joey moved to San Francisco to study Music Journalism at San Francisco State University. There, he worked for several publications, including The Culture Trip and RIFF Magazine, and served as the News Editor at Golden Gate Xpress. Joey previously worked as the News Assignment Editor for Pasadena Now. When he’s not working, you can find him exploring new cities, finding delicious food, and having fun at concerts.

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